There aren’t too many options for people who are suffering from arthritis. You can attempt to change your diet. You can seek an orthopedic professional. Some people start exercising as an attempt to relieve their arthritis. However, when it comes to looking for a solution, besides a lifestyle change, your options are usually limited to…

When it’s the dead of winter and arthritis symptoms are at their peak, the last thing you want to do is walk on a treadmill or take a brisk walk around the block. You most likely want to sit inside where it’s warm and rest your joints. A lot of people who don’t have arthritis…

We often preach that the primary cause of arthritis is due to over use and years of abusing your body. This makes perfect sense. The main cause of joint pain and arthritis is due to a lack of cartilage, or the lack of that rubbery substance that cushions your joints. Without cartilage in your joints…
Pain before beauty! This is a typical phrase we hear from our girlfriends, a sister, female colleagues, wives, mothers and other women who are willing to sacrifice pain for beauty. However, what price do women have to pay for wearing these extremely painful, yet fashionable, shoes? I’m sure women are aware that wearing some types…
The humidity has faded away, yellow and red leaves are falling into our backyards, days are getting shorter and people are complaining about joint pain. It seems like every year when it starts to get colder outside people with arthritis and joint pain seem to be attacked with symptoms. Are people really feeling the pain…
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison It’s true; the future of medicine should focus on regeneration and prevention. Why are we putting so much time, effort and…